and all through the house,
a creature was stirring and it wasn't A MOUSE!
A WOMAN was up and decided late in planning a dinner for eight!
The weather was frightful, all wet and sodden!
Yet what could she do,
Her nieces were coming and it wouldn't do-
they needed presents.
Off with her father, they trudge to the store,
and try to find gifts that weren't a bore!
Back to the market the food must be bought,
a 13lb turkey,
potatoes and more!
Alas baked bread, and dishes were done,
but what does she hear!
Oh daughter dear! said her father, decidedly late.
No tree! but that won't do! Where will we put the presents??
so off dashed the woman at half past eight to search for a tree
and LO AND BEHOLD, a small one was waiting,
roots and all, oh what joy!
It's fresh, it's alive-no plastic for me!
Santa is waiting under the tree, he plays a good tune,
for any to hear.
So Merry Christmas to all,
our dinner's tomorrow
welcome to any who wander uninvited.