I came across this a few years back in the side streets of Paris. Living in a world full of change and uprisings it seemed fitting to post this now."Don't be a sheep". Does this mean "stand up for what you believe in", if so then how far do we take this concept. An Egyptian woman was stabbed to death in a German
courtroom! (It still baffles me how no one could have stopped him!) She took him to court, for defamation, perhaps she believed that she needed to stand up for her beliefs, to stop perhaps one "racist". She was killed for her beliefs, some would make her a martyr and perhaps she was, yet one family rests without a mother and a wife, an intelligent woman who had her whole life ahead of her. Stand up for what you believe in, although you might get killed, how often has this been repeated throughout history? Yet, who is to say "who is right"? The Bolsehvik's believed they were right when they started the revolution, and yet it led to Stalin's regime and years of fear and suffering. The Israeli's assumed they had the right to Palestine, they needed a home. They assumed that the Palestinians would agree and yet the fighting continues, the list is endless, Afghanistan,Bosnian War...I've repeated it a hundred times, thank you Lord Acton (1873),
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The imposition of the ideals (and wants) of a few men (I have yet to see a woman) leads to imminent unrest for the whole of society. With economic unrest, immigrant migration, capitalism and social structures constantly shifting, the loss of social values has led to the loss of basic humanity. The concept of the "self", "the individual" has grown but at what cost?