Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kassia's poem

My book on women poets by penguin, still amazes me! Despite the centuries it can still be said of mankind today...what a woman...

Kassia, 9th century, Byzantine Greece.
The only woman poet of distinction in Byzantine History. Tradition says she was to be chosen as a bride by the Emperor, but was rejected when she answered him with the edged wit she is famous. She founded a convent and was the abbess for the remainder of her life.

You meet your friend, your face
Brightens-you have struck gold.

Wealth covers sin-the poor
Are naked as a pin.

Poverty?Wealth? seek neither-
One causes swollen heads,
the other swollen bellies.

A half deaf,bald,one handed,
Stuttering, pint-sized,pimply
Pigeon toed,cross-eyed man,
When mocked by a lying pimp,
A thieving murderous drunk,
of his misfortune said:
I'm not to blame-you think
I asked to be like this?
But you!..the credit's yours.
Your Maker gave you nothing.
behold the self made man.

A learned fool? God save us!
The pigs are wearing pearls.
Better unborn than fool.

If born, spare earth your tread.
Don't wait. Go straight to hell.
No remedy for fools,
No helping them, but death.

In office?puffed and strutting.
Acclaimed?beyond endurance.
Columns of stone will kneel
Before you change a fool.
The artful Armenian.
Emerod.Wooden nickel.Mad
Dog.Weathervane.Back biter.

A wise man put it well-
"Without a name, he's naught,
less when he gets a name,
least of all when rich,
and richer, holding office,
Honoured-less then least."

Ask for a taste of luck
before you ask for beauty.
A nun's life-free as a bird,
A nun- a door unopened.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

trial and error

I left it all behind so many years ago, she whispered softly..
left what...
all my dreams, my hopes, completely scattered to the four winds...
never give up hope, never until its too late, and your soul is cast out, he sighs softly..
yet what if you are simply tired of searching, of hoping till your heart aches and coming up a shell cast out on the beach..empty of its inner being..what holds you together then??she resists
what is left of you if you cast out hope as well? he whispers..
how can I have found what I had given up as in its essence, simple and natural that it feels unreal....yet it is real.
Dare to love and trust! For what else is life for, slowly he uncovers her heart, beating softly in his her soul beckons and she follows...

Sunday, March 14, 2010


soft hands glide over me-
slipping under my robe,
bare skin.. lingering there,
a gentle caress...
my skin, yet not mine,
falling out of me-i want more,
a single intake of I continue to shudder lost inside
soft grey eyes..oblivious to the world outside.
my heart beats faster as we continue to stare,
unwilling to break this bond,
oblivious to the world outside..

Friday, March 05, 2010

silent testimony

Between the sheets I leave myself behind
no thoughts
no mind
the sound of your breath leads me
my hand an extension of yours,
As one we twist and turn amongst the sheets,
leaving silent imprints behind..

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

my favourite time of day..

soft light filters through curtains, as I slowly stretch
still caught up in sleep-
feather light fingers caress my back
easing me out of my slumber
lips follow
and I
fully wake
to you...
as the sun rises light penetrates the room,
bright light-
morning has come.