Due to the cold I've had to relocate to my favorite patisserie..luckily they have internet! The Savoy is a very nondescript little pastry shop which has been around since th 1950's and is famous for its milfoy. Which is also called a Napoleon, it is very thin pastry dough,and custard, but mmmmm its excellent. So is there other desserts and coffee so it is not a bad place to sit and write, just dangerous for the wasteline!
I smile to myself, and have gotten a little nostalgic for my youth. Just next me are a group of women, approximately aged 65-70 a group of 5, they represent Istanbul's past. They are of Greek origin, and mix greek and turkish together. It is so familiar to me, that I feel a sort of warmth and comfort from them. I don't intrude but just listen in..they are very vivacious and laugh from the deep within. Gossiping about this and that..It's sad to think that they are now so few and far between.
Planning to go to Switzerland for the semester break, so looking forward to that, especially since booking tickets was quite an adventure. Thank you...for all your hard work!
It's amazing what a little green (nature) and some sea can do for your morale. We escaped on a day trip near the Black Sea, to a little resort town called Sile. In the summer its hell, with everyone flocking to the beaches but now it was wonderful. The weather was accomodating, with a break in the week long rains that we had. It was wonderful..
The next day we went somewhere again near the Black Sea, to have breakfast, it was a huge breakfast with a variety of both homemade jams and the best was peace and quiet with a view of forests. I find it ironic that foreigners have shown me more of Turkey then I could have imagined, thank you..again.
There are little changes occuring all over Istanbul, due to the new government. Newspapers which are known to be pro government hence religious, are being advertised more frequently. Schools and foreign companies are being more closely examined-although more and more American companies are being opened i.e.Ben and Jerry's ice cream..really we were missing out!! The only liberal newspaper left, noted that more and more phd scholarships were being given to students studying in Arabic speaking countries..i.e.Egypt Tunisia, which until now wasn't on the list. Walking down a street passed a Greek orthodox church, I saw a nazi swatstika(spelling) which was graffitied on the wall. Disturbing because its so easy to walk past it, and not reflect on it. So it will be interesting to see how this country fairs in a few years..
So, on that note, good bye for now..
Hello Shane and Aurore, hope that you are coping well with the Australian heat Aurore!!!Bisou
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