Tuesday, April 29, 2008
hello world, remember me,
I've become much more cynical with goverments and life in general however and globalization has a lot to answer for. Idealistic people try to protest against goverments working with big corporations or even bigger goverments however to what avail? Istanbul's new goverment has sold off nearly everything they could think of to foreign investors, or family members. Electricity, bus companies, soon Natural gas, with this of course comes increased prices and we are becoming more and more isolated! May 1st is labor day and has been for nearly 200 years all around Europe, yet our goverment has decided to rename that day, and therefore, control all the protests and demonstrations that are sure to be. No, this is not a joke. Although I must admit if it wasn't the country, where I am living now, I would think it was so. Not that the US is much better with Bush heading it, and soon in my opinion will be McCain unfortunately, since the population of the US has a tendency to elect conservative. I will have gained the ability to study, read at my leisure and walk down the street and see some nature, AND despite everything it is stable. I don't feel economically secure in this country, or that the future is heading in the right direction. The new regime has gotten into the foundations of this country and like termites they are very hard to get rid of. I wish I was being pessimistic but I'm afraid we are heading in the same direction as Iran, watch Persepolis the animation! and you will see what I mean. So I'm off on this beautiful day, to teach the little buggers :)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Ephesus and Priene

Baptismal font! Yet just behind it was a tomb with an engraving of a wild beast or gargoyle! Still a bit pagan..


A weary traveler, just arriving from a long trip to spend a few days in Ephesus and what does he need the most!!! Well just look closely and maybe you can guess?? A woman, a heart and your left foot...Once we found it I must admit it was very extravagant with rooms, a mosaic tiled dining room, a washroom and just behind the public toilets where all essential business was taken care of!!!

New site, Priene...look carefully! Can find letters engraved in the rocks! Graffitti? Practice writing? who knows...But these were near the church.

and the floors! Thank you mom! She translated the writing...."good kisses!" Hmm some passing stranger to his new sweetheart or to the goddess Athena will we never know! Now brace yourself!

Columns from an Athenian Temple! Words failed me, and I really felt moved! I
Can you see my head near the last column? Someone really wanted to please Athena..
It could be seen from all over the city, a city which had a remarkable sewage system, covered on the side of the streets, leading all the way down to sea. Beautiful staircases leading to side streets where nobles lived, the floor plans readily viewable. An amphitheatre, a temple for Hygenia (or was that the wife), a gymnasium, a church, a square, market place, Greek writing visible on tablets, seats, tiny but immaculate writing! We spent over two hours just wandering around amazed..

Sitting in the amphitheatre in the best seat in the house! Arm rests had carvings that fit right in the palm of your hand...luxury! It's good to be a senator! Assume that they sprawled as well!