Saturday, April 12, 2008


Ahh sun!! It's really a beautiful spring day! Before I get to the interesting bit and publish photos of Ephesus and Pirene in Izmir, I've been feeling a bit nostalgic. I finished reading my uncle's book; a memoir of his life in Istanbul during the 1940's and 1950's. I'm grateful to him for writing it as it's a family heirloom of the past. I got to know all the "characters" in the book and some I hand known, and their passing was as difficult for me as it must have been for my uncle. His era was a time of long friendships, from childhood, highschool to old age. He mentions in passing that his generation was one that wasn't interested in "saving the world, they weren't interested in politics" as the 1968-70 generation was. The sixties gave us Capitalisim and Globalization...and a generation which lost their youth...a bit cliche, but it has to be mentioned, since it hasn't really gone back. This morning I was rummaging in an old bookstore off Istiklal, the one's that stink of cats and books which smell of decay...when I came upon a box of old photos. This is a phenomena which is very popular in Turkey, maybe in the rest of the world as well not sure, but they are cast offs of peoples lives in black and white. It is both morbid and interesting, once again a voyeur into other peoples lives. People who have passed away and all that's left is these black and white memories...sometimes I came across letters, love letters telling of hardships and well as sickness and old age...I felt like I an intruder yet it was difficult to stop searching...searching...and wondering what happened to all of them?? Was that woman smiling in her wedding dress really happy...I left with these images imprinted into my mind and a line from my uncle's book,-(translated approximately) Possession of property is all very good, but don't forget where the original owners are now? Basically you can't take it with the english saying goes, so try to make the most of life.

1 comment:

koala said...

What amazing photos - I'd love to go there. It's great that you're still finding the time to travel.