Friday, May 09, 2008

Where does one end and one begin?

The savagery of man...long story of how it began, but we had a discussion at work, about how men could become animalistic and not only 'rape' but brutalize a woman. Rape is a power struggle, most people would agree on that, however, even rape needs to have some boundaries some humanity, yet, there are men, or groups of men, who take advantage of being stronger, and use her like a vessel an orifice, till she is limp and bleeding or dead. How is this possible? Although canon law stated around 11th c. a woman was always ready for sex as she has no visible means of sexuality... Do we still in the 21st c. hold this biased view? How does a human being lose control to this degree? What is completely incomprehensible is the blase retort "she was asking for it". Fine, even if it's assumed that she "wanted" to have sex, this is NOT sex. No one would ask for this kind of degradation. What happened to society? Maybe it's naive but the difference between animals and humans is will power. Therefore men should take their cocks in hand and think before they act. Although women need to be responsible for their well being when the words no, or stop are uttered- why does selective hearing take place? Would men be this "cocky" (sorry for the pun), if women were able to rape men! Yet would women have it in them to be that violent? I do believe in DNA coding and women were always the protectors of the family and homemakers, therefore if a sound mind is applied I do believe its not the case.
Are there no men to stop and think of the consequences of their actions? Are there no regrets? Most likely not, with men still thinking they own women as property, and the simple retort that she was not a socially acceptable person therefore, up for anything. Such simplistic thinking but true.
And now they want to launch a 4th Car Theft Auto, or whatever it's called, as if there isn't enough violence! I see it all day in my four year old immediately go for the throat, they start young.

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