mmm Genevieve is tasty! A picnic for all ages!
Quebecois Flag..
Other than flying my favorite way to travel is by train..
through open windows the landscape flies by..
sunlight filters through trees creating startling landscapes of light and shadow.
autumn is near, the trees have started to change color
yellow, amber, orange.. just on the edges.
Would that I lived in a place like this..
would I get tired of its natural beauty?
This trip to visit Genevieve and Thierry, has left me rested if a bit philosophical.
No technology, for me a retreat from the world at large, their home a wealth of warmth and laughter.
Although a home is only a shell with four walls, it is those inside which give it life!
I have left Montreal if not wiser a little less stressed having extended my trip by one day. Montreal reminds me of France with its cafes and its subtle french atmosphere. Quite homey, with its melange of immigrants it is different to Quebec. Although the accent is a little difficult to comprehend, the people were very polite and smiled. At a little "salon de the" named "fous des dessert", I had a very nice lesson in green tea by its Japanese owner, in french! Where I drank an oolong tea with orchid flower, quite subtle. Of course with a pain chocolat, made with real chocolate..mmm.Lucky for me, I also enjoyed a traditional fondue, made with broth. Being invited to a home cooked dinner is a wonderful way to meet people, and just observe, thankfully Genevieve quickly showed me the trick of tying the meat, so it doesn't fall off. Although there is a tradition of kissing the person on your right if you do lose your food in the broth! Hmm would that lead to a lot of hungry people...
thank you..
In the end everything begins and ends with I have not just come to that conclusion, but it is a lesson which sometimes needs remembering..My body tends to tell me when something is wrong, sleepless nights, fatigue, irritability..but I often ignore her, till its too late. She is someone I have to heal first from the inside out..I have been reminded of this by a cold sore, for some it is a normal occurence, for me it has happened during major life changes, every few years.It is my bodies way of dealing with stress and shaking me awake when I am too 'tetue' to listen! So I have promised less coffee, more green tea, and wholesome foods, a start for now. Although I am positive, the stress and anxiety over my decision to move and no work etc...will be harder to leave aside, although I will try.
I love you all dearly my friends, a double edged sword to have you all scattered about! at least one is only a train ride away...
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