Each of us has his or her own demons, we spend our life dealing with them. Sometimes we are successful in beating them and we have a few years of joy. Othertimes, it seems we attract those we wish to avoid, a never ending circle...we yearn to escape only to be entangled once more. Do we attract these situations because we are able to deal with them, stay in control? Hence are we blind to see the virtues of others who do not fit the mold? Is life just a game we play with passing time as the outcome? I wish I had the answer, or even the capability of not falling into this trap. Yet we are all human. Some of us deal with life's difficulties by withdrawing from the game all together,hiding themselves away inside their jobs or their homes. Some, become bitter, spewing their anger on others. While others, just keep searching, missing what is before their eyes ever lamenting. Only when it is lost is it ever really truly understood. Rare are those whose eyes can see the beauty inside the stone, rarer still are those who hold it.
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