Friday, July 24, 2009

to be young...

My youngest niece, Tara, is six..going on sixty..She calmly informs me that she wishes she was older, of course I informed her that she is getting older every day..but that didn't seem to satisfy her. Sitting across from me, while the sun sets behind us we just had a serious conversation about death, marriage and why I don't have babies! I had to promise her that I wasn't about to die too soon, our dog had just died after a very long and happy life- 12years. But I had to inform her that it wasn't written in a book, no one really knows when they will die..she seemed to accept that..She has just informed me that she doesn't want to get married. I said that's alright, not everyone has to get married, then she informs me, know she says in a whisper, squishing her face into a frown, people kiss on the LIPS when they get married..yuck!...of course I had to smile..and I said to her she might just like that when she gets that moment she was precious!! My brother and other niece intruded before she could continue.. She also informed me in a no nonsense voice that we had to talk, and she meant to intrude on my private time tomorrow...hmm, I wonder what else she is going to ask me about...something tells me I will have to be on my toes!

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