Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For those of us who've lived abroad...

Ok, maybe it's just my own feeling, but I would like to thank those people, who make it possible for those of us who live abroad to find a used english bookstore. It's a rare gift and it's impossible not to feel grateful and hug the owner for having an array of titles! Just the possibility of skimming through books which are not a century old, or harlequin novels!Thank you thank saying, I found an interesting D.H.Lawrence book called The Fox. One I hadn't heard of before.

Monday, May 12, 2008

A minute detail..

Something to chew on...Huge billboards of a silk scarf ad...
These scarves were usually shown tied gracefully around the neck
however now...they are tied around the head in a peasant fashion,
not like a headscarf where no hair is visible, but a knot under the chin...
Maybe I'm paranoid but these are minute ways of getting us accustomed to the idea.
Besides which, scarves worn around the neck, like neck ties, are a western invention, and have no place in an Islamic society, as this goverment would like us to be.
Just in case this is a hint of paranoia, when our prime minister meets with more conservative members of his parliament, we lose the necktie...minute perhaps...but all the same, it starts like this. And soon you become so used to it, that, it no longer bothers you..It is normal...that's when for those who think like I do the s... has hit the fan.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Where does one end and one begin?

The savagery of man...long story of how it began, but we had a discussion at work, about how men could become animalistic and not only 'rape' but brutalize a woman. Rape is a power struggle, most people would agree on that, however, even rape needs to have some boundaries some humanity, yet, there are men, or groups of men, who take advantage of being stronger, and use her like a vessel an orifice, till she is limp and bleeding or dead. How is this possible? Although canon law stated around 11th c. a woman was always ready for sex as she has no visible means of sexuality... Do we still in the 21st c. hold this biased view? How does a human being lose control to this degree? What is completely incomprehensible is the blase retort "she was asking for it". Fine, even if it's assumed that she "wanted" to have sex, this is NOT sex. No one would ask for this kind of degradation. What happened to society? Maybe it's naive but the difference between animals and humans is will power. Therefore men should take their cocks in hand and think before they act. Although women need to be responsible for their well being when the words no, or stop are uttered- why does selective hearing take place? Would men be this "cocky" (sorry for the pun), if women were able to rape men! Yet would women have it in them to be that violent? I do believe in DNA coding and women were always the protectors of the family and homemakers, therefore if a sound mind is applied I do believe its not the case.
Are there no men to stop and think of the consequences of their actions? Are there no regrets? Most likely not, with men still thinking they own women as property, and the simple retort that she was not a socially acceptable person therefore, up for anything. Such simplistic thinking but true.
And now they want to launch a 4th Car Theft Auto, or whatever it's called, as if there isn't enough violence! I see it all day in my four year old immediately go for the throat, they start young.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Labor Day 2008 Istanbul

Sigh...last year was the first time I came face to face with Istanbul's version of labor day. Unknowingly, naive, I walked into Taksim Square, looking for a man (who later became a friend) to take to my new job, working on the Asian side. As I went up the hill, lo and behold hundreds of police barricades, news reporters , no buses, no metro's. Hmm imagine my surprise, as I chat to a reporter, asking what is going on, he gave me a look of disbelief! It's May day! Be careful, there can be riots, protests, molotov cocktails, I find Michael very easily as we are the only two idiots to be wandering around the streets with our mouths open, (so to speak) as we continue walking trying to meet up with the chauffeur, we come across tanks! and people walking trying to get to work.
Well, that was one year ago, and yes there were protests and riots. This year the government who is trying to portray itself as very pro-European Union, democratic, pro-human rights,etc.. Labels the working class (in a sense no direct translation)as nothing but "lower classes, who are they to dictate what we will do". They wanted to meet in Taksim Square, however instead of finding a way to come to terms with the unions, his government, the mayor etc, restricted any protests, changed the name of the day and said if any one decides to demonstrate they will use force. And that is exactly what they have done! IF this was any country during the communist era I could understand this type of action however this is not! They have barrackaded the building where one group of workers were supposed to start their walk,(about 600 people) and if any happen to leave the building they are pelted with tear gas, water and paint..there are hundreds of police walking around in groups a show of force!. Taksim Square is completely cut off from any kind of transport and people- literally a bird cannot fly through there. It is surrounded by police which have been brought from around Turkey, of course with sharpshooters standing by on rooftops! This is a main touristic area, with hotels and restaurants, poor tourists! Don't misunderstand me, this is NOT a terrorist organization just workers old and young who wanted to celebrate this holiday, ok, sometimes there are small groups of other organizations who protest as well, but usually they are small enough to contain. However this is a show of power and brute force! the police are pelting people whether or not, they are protestors, they have even entered some of the hospitals, which of course baffled some of the doctors inside.
It's sad and unbelievable, I couldn't go to work today, because of the closure of the roads and transport, as well as the fact that my parents would have worried about me, but I must say we got off easy last year with Micheal, this year I wouldn't be so sure.
These actions will have repercussions, no one has the right to be treated this way, these are your workers, your people, not terrorists! Bully tactics never work. However, this is another fine example of this goverments tactics, they only do what is best for them...sigh..."What is to be done"? as the title of Chernyshevsky's 19th Century novel asks...