Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the outcome..

my heart beats a steady rhythm, sure and complacent,
yet one look and it falters,
it is thus so with humans, just when we are settled into our own little world,
all emotions tied together safely with a string,
a touch sends tentacles of electricity traipsing through nerve endings,
mind and heart compete over sovereignty of this human form,
this shell that holds such a vast amount of nerve endings,
emotions and spirit.
heart verses mind
a war within the corps,
my heart beats an unsteady rhythm
the war has been won
for now.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


The road to love is long and unforeseen, at times a short tumultuous night of passion
once spent, never to be reconsidered. Other times,passing through the ages lasting years, until worn down to
monosyllabic responses.
Yet we all search for "it". Once found it can be the most unexpected surprise,
until we try to hamper it, tie it down and possess it completely, suffocate this "gift", because it is a gift.
The world is vast and our time short in comparison, so, if found, no matter how the circumstances, listen to your heart,
nurture it, physically, emotionally and smile..because you have received a gift for however long it lasts.

sigh..smiling..I never meant to sound so philosophical..forgive me my friends..the intentions are simple.

Friday, October 09, 2009


I'm not sure who said it,

It's not the destination but the journey which is important..

my flat has become my haven, welcome those who would take a journey...

after a few days of demos with kids, feeling a little less unsure and perhaps a little more.....

oh! Obama winner of the Nobel Peace Prize!!!!! sigh...why??

Sunday, October 04, 2009


heart pounding 'gainst my breast,
unrivaled fear an sleepless nights persist,
why...have I gotten in over my head again..
full moon
a giver of strength or
sower of doubt..
where has my confidence flown,
would that I could find it again,
before the rising dawn-
brings a swarm of children.