Sunday, April 20, 2008


I agree that some author's have to be read at a certain age..and Brecht is one of them for me. I've had the Threepenny Opera, sitting on my shelf for years, but now I've just decided to read it and it's an amazing parody on capitalism and war. Which seems perfectly suitable to this day and age. I came across this poem, which I will insert -
And now they're off to the war
And they all need cartridges badly
and of course there are plenty of nice kind people
Who'll find them the cartridges gladly
'No ammunition,no war!
'Leave that to us, my sons!
You go to the front and fight,
We'll make you munitions and guns.'
And they made munitions in piles,
And there wasn't a war to be found
And of course there were plenty of nice kind people
Who conjured one out of the ground,
'Off you go, dear boy, to the front!
For they threaten your native sod
March, for your mothers and sisters,
For your King and for your God!'(Brecht, Penguin Books, 1967)
Does any of this sound familiar??? I find it very very ironic!

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